Welcome to the CBA Corona Chronicle!
We have been publishing the CBACC over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic to entertain, inform and most importantly bring us closer together as a community. We hope this will be an interactive process -- you are encouraged to send us any material you would like to share with your friends at CBA. Below are the most recent issues - hope you enjoy!
CBA Corona Chronicle Issue #7 - 5/11/2020
CBA Corona Chronicle Issue #6 - 4/27/2020
- Memories of the Elmwood Neighborhood
- Short Story Tips - UB Prof and Writer Howard Wolf
- Book Review: The Garden of the Finzi-Continis
- From Jewish Novel to Film
- Humor Corner
CBA Corona Chronicle Issue #5 -- 4/20/2020
- The Meaning of Life?
- Book Review - "Life and Fate"
- Holocaust Remembrance Day film
- Shabbat Zoom Service
- Humor Corner
- Final Thoughts
CBA Corona Chronicle Issue #4 -- 4/13/2020
- Jewish Buffalo - Separated at Birth
- Book Review -- Collected Stories, Grace Paley
- Play Ball
- Humor Corner
- Zoom Seder Images
- Shabbat Online
CBA Corona Chronicle Issue #3 -- 4/6/2010
- Pandemic Poetry Final Results
- CBA Book Club Intro and Reviews
- Passover Movie and TV Clips
- CBA Haggadah
CBA Corona Chronicle Issue #2 -- 3/30, 2020
- Pandemic Poetry Contest Initial Results
- Vayikra: D'var Torah, Deborah Greitzer
- Chicken Noodle Soup CD, Amrom Chodos
- Guided Meditations - Rabbi Scheldt
- Passover Preview
CBA Corona Chronicle Issue #1 -- 3/23/2020
- Learn to lead/daven Shabbat services
- Pandemic Poetry Call for Entries
- Watch a Jewish Film Online